Document: The Critical Rationalist [Home]
The Critical Rationalist ISSN: 1393-3809
Instructions for Authors
If you feel that you can contribute substantive criticism,
interpretation, elaboration or pertinent complementary or
supplementary material on any TCR target article, you are
invited to submit a formal commentary. Please note
that although commentaries are solicited and most will appear,
acceptance cannot, of course, be guaranteed.
- Before preparing your commentary, please read carefully
the Instructions for Authors and examine recent
issues of TCR.
- TCR reserves the right to edit
commentaries for relevance and style. In the interest of speed,
commentators will only be sent the edited draft for review when
there have been major editorial changes. Where judged necessary
by the Editor, commentaries will be formally refereed.
- Please provide a title for your commentary. As many
commentators may address the same general topic, your title
should be a distinctive one that reflects the gist of your
specific contribution.
Document: The Critical Rationalist [Home]
The Critical Rationalist ISSN: 1393-3809
Instructions for Authors