The Critical Rationalist ISSN: 1393-3809
In deference to the pioneering efforts of Steven Harnad with his purely electronic journal PSYCOLOQUY , we have chosen to emulate some of the editorial procedures and policy of that journal in the design of TCR. TCR is a complement to the Annual Conference on the Philosophy of Sir Karl Popper . Like the conference, TCR provides a context for the critical examination, development, and application of Popper's work. Mere exposition of Popperian ideas is excluded. TCR specifically supports and solicits Critical Commentary, and thus accepts articles of two distinct types:
Suitable topics for original target articles would include:
Submission of an article will normally imply that it has not been already published, and is not being considered for publication, elsewhere.
Acceptance of both target articles and commentary for publication in TCR is subject to peer review by members of the Editorial Board.
The purpose of the Critical Commentary service is to provide a concentrated constructive interaction between author and commentators. Commentators should provide substantive criticism, interpretation, and elaboration as well as any pertinent complementary or supplementary material.
Commentaries and articles should be free of hyperbole and remarks ad hominem.
TCR also publishes, as original target articles, the invited
lectures delivered at the Annual Conference on the
Philosophy of Sir Karl Popper
. Critical
commentary is solicited on these on the same basis as
independently submitted target articles.
TCR, with its service of Critical Commentary, is primarily
devoted to original unpublished manuscripts. However, a
book whose contents meet the standards outlined above
may also be eligible for commentary. A typical procedure in such
a case would involve publication of a comprehensive precis (normally
prepared by the author) in a similar format to a conventional target
article. Commentary and response would then be solicited in the normal
Book reviews and previously published articles appear by invitation only. However, the professional readership of TCR is encouraged to nominate, to the editors , current topics and authors for commentary in this way. In all the categories described, the decisive consideration for eligibility will be the desirability of critical commentary for the submitted material. Controversially simpliciter is not a sufficient criterion for soliciting commentary: an article may be controversial simply because it is weakly argued or ignores other work.
The Critical Rationalist ISSN: 1393-3809