Document: The Critical Rationalist [Home]
The Critical Rationalist ISSN: 1393-3809
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- Harnad, S. (1990),
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- Lamport, L. (1986),
- LATEX: A Document Preparation System, Addison-Wesley.
- Popper, K. R. (1963),
- Science: Problems, Aims, Responsibilities, in M. A. Notturno, ed., `The Myth of the Framework: In defence of science and rationality', Routledge, London, chapter 4, pp. 82-111.
Revised version of an address to the Plenary session of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, NJ, 17th April 1963, first published in Federation Proceedings, 22, 1963, pp. 961-972.
Document: The Critical Rationalist [Home]
The Critical Rationalist ISSN: 1393-3809
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