R. V. DUSEK has taught for 20 years at the University of NH (Durham, NH) and is currently an associate professor involved in teaching logic, philosophy of science, and Marxism. Other interests include genetic engineering, biotech, evolution and philosophy, the history of economic thought, as well as work in Science for the People (State Contact, NH), and Amnesty International. Particular interests in relation to Popper include the Scientific method, metaphysics and science, the debate with Marxism, and relations to Peirce and Friess. Would appreciate information concerning Popper and the languages of psychopathology. Education: Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin. Publications include "C.S. Peirce; Geodesy and Geology in Work of" in Schneer ed. 100 Years of Geology in America, 1977; Philosophy Forum special issue on sociobiology, 1982/83; "Falsifiability and Power Elite Theory" J Compar Admin, Sept 1969; "Abduction, Ampliative Inference" Telos No. 6, 1968-9. Address: 2 Foss Farm Rd., Durham, NH, 03824.