- ...
- See, on this, my "Epistemological Limits of the State", an
unpublished paper which
extends an argument developed in part of my "Popper and
Liberalism", which was delivered at
the First Annual Conference on the Philosophy of Karl
Popper in Manchester, 1984.
- ...
- If the parallels that Popper draws between ethics and the
search for truth in his Addendum
to The Open Society, "Facts, Standards and Truth"
were pursued, however, I suggest that they
could lead us towards the ideas developed in my text.
- ...
- See, on this, my "From Brother Sense to Brother Man: Adam
Smith's Theory of Moral
Sentiments as Epistemology", delivered at the American
Philosophical Association, New York,
1987. And just as - in Hutcheson's work - what our moral
sense led us to agree upon could,
independently, be discovered to have a broadly utilitarian
character, so, I would suggest, the
kinds of things that Popper suggested should form the
agenda of politics (the relief of avoidable
suffering, injustice) might, indeed, be things concerning
which we can achieve a consensus, or
which may be legitimated by decision-making processes upon
the desirability of which we can
achieve a consensus.
- ...
- See my "Epistemological Limits of the State", and also my
"From Dialogue Rights to
Property Rights", delivered at the American Political
Studies Association, 1987; and my
"Dialogue Rights and Property Rights", delivered at the
British Political Studies Association,
- ...
- See, for some discussion, my "Habermas: A Critical
Approach", Critical Review, volume
2, No. 1, 1988.
- ...
- See, on this, my "The Religious Sect as a Cognitive
System", Annual Review of the Social
Sciences of Religion, 4, 1980, and my "Epistemology
Socialized?", Et cetera, Fall 1985.
- ...
- Bartley, W.W. III. "A Popperian harvest". In P. Levinson
(Ed.), In pursuit of truth, pp.
249-289 (Humanities Press. New York, 1982), p. 272.
- ...
- Untersuchung zu J. Alexander, Theoretical Logic in
Sociology, Vol. 1, Positivism,
Presuppositions and Current Controversies. Routledge &
Kegan Paul, London/Henley
- ...
- J.C. Alexander, Theoretical Logic in Sociology, Vol.
1, Positivism, Presuppositions and
Current Controversies. Routledge & Kegan Paul,
London/Henley 1982; Vol. 2, The Antinomies
of Classical Thought: Marx and Durkheim, London/Henley
1982, Vol. 3, The Classical Attempt
at Theoretical Synthesis: Max Weber, London/Henley 1983,
Vol. 4, The Modern Reconstruction
of Classical Thought: Talcott Parsons, London/Henley 1983.
- ...
- Vgl. die Diskussion um den Alexanderschen Versuch eines
synthetisierenden Neubeginns
der theoretischen Soziologie bei R. Collins, Jeffrey
Alexander and the Search for
Multidimensional Theory, Theory and Society, 14,
1985, S. 877-892, T. Burger,
Multidimensional Problems: A Critique of Jeffrey
Alexander's Theoretical Logic in Sociology,
The Sociological Quarterly, 27, S. 75-90, H. Joas,
Ein Schritt vorwa5rts, zwei Schritte zuru5ck.
Jeffrey Alexanders Neofunktionalismus als theoretisches
Geru5st der Soziologie?, Skript,
Erlangen 1987. Ich selbst ha5tte u5ber die in diesen
Arbeiten diskutierten Einwa5nde hinaus
zu anzumerken, daß in meinen Augen die Skala,
vermittels derer Alexander den Tatbestand der
Multidimensionalita5t ausdru5cken mo5chte, logisch
fehlerhaft konstruiert ist, und daß ich die
im ersten Band, S. 64-112 vorgestellte Rekonstruktion der
soziologischen Handlungstheorie fu5r
bedauernswert unzula5nglich halte.
- ...
- Vgl. Alexander, 1982, Vol. 1, S. 5ff.
- ...
- Alexander 1982, Vol. 1, S. 5, 140f., 48, 33, 7 u.a.
- ...
- Zu Kuhn vgl. Alexander 1982, Vol. 1, S. 24, 27, 146, 150,
153, 157f.; zur Beurteilung
Poppers durch Habermas vgl. S. 156f.
- ...
- Burger, 1986, S. 287 scheint diese Deutung der Sachlage zu
stützen, wenn er darauf
hinweist, daß Alexander Popper zu leichtfertig beiseite
- ...
- Vgl. Alexander 1982, Vol. 1, S. 5-9.
- ...
- Vgl. K.R. Popper, Logik der Forschung, 2. Aufl.,
Tübingen 1966, S. 38, 62f., 376ff.,
ders. Die beiden Grundprobleme der Erkenntnistheorie,
Tübingen 1979, Kapitel IX, ders.
Conjectures and Refutations, New York/Evanston 1968,
S. 119, 262f., 277ff.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1966, S. 31 (Anmerkung), 44ff., 48f., 71, 72,
93, 224f., 366f., 377f., ders.
1968, 23, 38, 41, 44f., 46ff., 118, 115, 173, 187ff.,
190f., 387, ders. 1979, S. 42ff.
- ...
- Vgl. Alexander 1982, Vol. 1, S. 39-46.
- ...
- Vgl. K.R. Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies,
Vol. 2, 1966, S. 383ff.
- ...
- Mir ist aus Alexanders Ausführungen nicht klar
geworden, welche Interpretation er der
Bedeutungsdifferenz zwischen Fakten-und Wertaussagen gibt,
weshalb ich auf spekulative
Erweiterungen dieses Diskussionspunktes verzichte.
- ...
- Vgl. K.R. Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies,
Vol. 1 und Vol. 2, London 1966.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1966, S. 40f., 67, 376ff., ders. 1968, S. 41,
54f., 112, 114f., 192 u.a.,
ders. 1979, S. 301ff.
- ...
- Zum Metaphysikverständnis Poppers vgl., ders. 1968,
184ff., 253ff., ders. Realism and
the Aim of Science. From the Postscript to the Logic of
Scientific Discovery, Totowa 1983, S.
194ff., ders. 1966, S. 199ff., 223, 319f., 391ff. u.a.,
vgl. auch J.W.N. Watkins, Metaphysics
and the Advancement of Science, British Journal for
the Philosophy of Science, 26, 1975, S. 91-121, J. Agassi,
Science in Flux, Dortrecht 1975, S. 208-239.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1979, S. 341ff., ders. 1966, S. 8ff., 14ff.,
54ff., ders. 1968, S. 33ff., 39f.,
52ff., 196ff., 249f., 253ff., 259ff. u.a.
- ...
- Vgl. K.R. Popper, The Poverty of Historicism,
London, ders. 1966, Vol. 1 und Vol. 2.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1961, S. 147ff., ders. 1966, Vol. 2, S. 93,
94, 97, ders. La Rationalité et
le statut du principe de rationalité, in E.M. Claasens
(Hrsg.), Le fondements philosophiques des
systemes economiques, Paris, 1967, 143ff., ders. Objective Knowledge. An Evolutionary
Approach, Oxford 1972, S. 170ff., 178ff. u.a.
- ...
- Vgl. Alexander 1982, Vol. 1, S. 72ff., 79ff., 94ff., ders.
Vol. 4, S. 13ff.
- ...
- Vgl. N. Koertge, Popper's Metaphysical Research Program
for the Human Sciences,
Inquiry, 18, 1975, S. 437-462, M. Schmid, Handlungsrationalität. Kritik einer dogmatischen
Handlungswissenschaft, München 1979, S. 16-27, ders.
Die Idee rationalen Handelns und ihr
Verhältnis zur Sozialwissenschaft. Bemerkungen zu Karl
Poppers Philosophie der
Sozialwissenschaften, in F. Wallner (Hrsg.), Karl
Poppers Philosophie und Wissenschaft, Wien
1985, S. 89-107.
- ...
- Vgl. etwa Popper, 1967, S. 144.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1979, S. 3ff., ders. 1966, S. 3ff., ders.
1972, S. 1ff., ders. 1983, S. 18ff.,
ders., Autobiography, in P.A. Schilpp (ed.), The
Philosophy of Karl Popper, La Salle 1974, S.
34ff., 112ff. u.a.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper 1966, S. 48, ders. 1968, S. 46, 115, 117,
185f., 191, 220, 231, 239, 245,
ders. 1972, 53, 68, 164 u.a.
- ...
- Zur Verwendung von Tests in der Popperschen Methodologie
vgl. Popper 1966, S. 47,
87, 185ff., 194f., 222, 245, ders. 1968, S. 41, 52, 60, 74,
103ff., 111ff., 118, 188f., 197, 220,
228, 240, 248, 256, 313 u.a.m.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper 1966, S. 47.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper 1966, S. 12, 20, 22ff., 42, 48ff., 61, 69f.,
232f. u.a., ders. 1972, S. 9ff,
21f., 37, 46ff., 62ff., 97f. u.a. Die Anzahl der Belege
ließe sich mühelos vervielfältigen.
- ...
- Zur Logik der Basissätze vgl. Popper 1966, S. 60ff.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1966, S. XVIII, 60f., 70f., ders. 1968, S.
82, 95, 180f., 277, 387.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper 1966, S. 29, 1968, S. 193ff., ders. 1983, S.
- ...
- Vgl. Popper, 1972, S. 106ff., 153ff., ders. 1974, S.
143ff., ders. Auf der Suche nach
einer besseren Welt. Vorträge und Aufsätze aus
dreißig Jahren. München/Zürich 1984, S. 123f.,
- ...
- Science and Skepticism (Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1984), pp. 250-1.
- ...
- For an interesting account of Fleming's discovery and his
work habits see R. Hare, The
Birth of Penicillin (London, George Allen and Unwin,
- ...
- For a brief account of Beaumont's work see R. Harré,
Great Scientific Experiments
(Oxford, Phaidon, 1981); the quotation is from p. 44.
- ...
- Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1985.
Fri Oct 13 08:28:42 BST 1995